Original Item: Only One Available. This is a very nice Army Officer's Dagger, produced by the well-known Solingen-based firm of F.W. Höller, Waffenfabrik (Weapons Factory), a highly desirable maker of edged weapons. It comes complete with a portepee, scabbard, and an attached belt hanger. Of special note is the gold wash on the fittings of the hanger, which indicate that it is for a General level officer in the German Heer Army. We have only ever encountered a few of these special hangers.
The pommel of this dagger is in very good condition, showing just a little wear and scratching around the edge, with some loss of plating. The plating elsewhere is almost entirely present, with a great patina and lovely darkening on the oak leaf side panel.
The silver plated crossguard is in similar condition, with almost all of the plating intact, with a great patina. The details throughout the characteristic eagle are exceptional throughout the head, breast and wing feathering, talons and wreathed mobile swas. The grip ferrule is also plated, and is in good condition with some wear, having been protected by the portepee.
The grip is has faded to a nice light amber color, typical of celluloid grips from this period. This grip is in almost perfect condition throughout, with just a bit of staining and wear. Wrapped around the grip and cross guard is an original aluminum bullion thread portepee (sword knot), tied in the Heer fashion. It is in very good condition as shown, with the expected wear and fraying from age and service.
The excellent condition blade is mostly bright throughout, showing almost all of the original cross grain. The tip is still intact, with no bending, just some light wear. The edge is correctly unsharpened, and there is very little oxidation on the blade. There is the usual runner wear on the blade surface, however this is present on just about every dagger out there.
The ricasso is maker marked with a "losenge" style trademark logo that reads F. W. HÖLLER / SOLINGEN, surrounding the trademark Höller "Thermometer" emblem. This is a well-known maker from Solingen, the famous "City of Blades" in Western Germany, which produced many fine edged weapons. The marking is partly obscured by the cross guard.
F.W. Höller, Waffenfabrik (Weapons Factory), located in Solingen, the legendary "City of Blades" in western Germany. During the WWII Period they manufactured many SA and NSKK daggers, both with their "thermometer" trademark and later with the RZM code M7/33. They also produced numerous 98K bayonets and other edged weapons. The firm was founded in 1866, and registered in Solingen in 1883. By 1900 ownership had passed to Emil Höller, and it continued manufacture after WWII, finally closing in 1974. For more information please see J. Anthony Carter's fine work GERMAN SWORD AND KNIFE MAKERS.
The scabbard is a fine example, and is plated steel. This straight scabbard has very crisp, finely grained panels. The carrying bands have an excellent pattern of overlapping oak leaves and acorns, which are nicely enhanced, though they do show light wear. The throat is the thinner style, and is secured by two "cheese-head" screws on the narrow sides of the scabbard. It is silver or nickel plated, and has a lovely oxidized look. There is not really any flaking we can see, just the usual wear and light patination, making this a great example.
Attached to the scabbard is a very good condition belt hanger, with functional pebbled spring clips with a great patina. The buckles and keepers are engraved with the same oak and acorn motif seen throughout the dagger. The clips are the more desirable "sliding" type. The original gold wash is still partly present, having worn and flaked away over the years. The straps are in very good condition, with the velvet on the back well retained, and the silver bullion front side showing light wear. There is some oxidation on the fittings, but that is to be expected. There are no signs of any type of repairs on the hanger.
A very nice example from a well-known Solingen maker, complete with a portepee and General's belt hanger. Ready to display!
Blade Length: 9 1/2"
Blade Style: Spear Point Dagger
Overall length: 14“
Crossguard: 2 3/4”
Scabbard Length: 11 1/8"
The German Army (Heer) first carried a dagger beginning in 1935. The weapon was worn in lieu of occasions not demanding the wearing of a more formal sword. The dagger design was quite attractive featuring silvered heavy fittings with white or colored grip. The crossguard depicted a Wehrmacht open-winged eagle clutching a wreathed swas.
The pommel depicted oak leafing around the outer circumference. The scabbard had panels of pebble designs. Later produced examples were plated with nickel, and late war-made pieces were unplated, finished in a gray color metal. These daggers are often encountered with an aluminum portepee.